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Mental Healthcare
TOI 10 Oct 2019 Kolkata : Astatictical report published by the World Health Organisation recently, declared India as the most depressed country in the world along with a sharp rise in the cases of suicide, anxiety, addictions and many other physchological disorders. According to the National Mental Health survey of india , 2015-16 around 15% of indians suffer from chronic mental health problems and desperatly need professional help to reclaim heir lives.
A Spiritual Approach to Mental Health
Mental health infra scarce in India New Delhi : 10 October 2019 :Demand Rises For Online Consultations Even as India accounts for 28% of global suicides, nearly half the people in the country are neither aware of mental health issuesnor have access to a mental health facility within a 20km radius says a independent :7-State Survey study conducted across seven north indian states