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TOI Kolkata 11 Oct 2019 : Less then 7% of under-2 kids get adequate diet: The first comprehensive National Nutritional Survey of the Union health ministry has found that only 6.4% of Indian children aged less than 2 years get a “Minimum acceptable diet”. This proportion varies widely across states from barely 1.3% in Andhra Pradesh to 35.9% in Sikkhim and it isn’t a case of “usual suspects”being at the bottom of the heap. Indeed at the very tail end […]
Less then 7% of under-2 kids get adequate diet
TOI 10 Oct 2019 Kolkata : Astatictical report published by the World Health Organisation recently, declared India as the most depressed country in the world along with a sharp rise in the cases of suicide, anxiety, addictions and many other physchological disorders. According to the National Mental Health survey of india , 2015-16 around 15% of indians suffer from chronic mental health problems and desperatly need professional help to reclaim heir lives.
A Spiritual Approach to Mental Health
TOI 10 Oct 2019 : New Delhi : Bihar; West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh and the hills states of Himachal Pradesh, J&K and Uttarakhand have not fared well in imoriving health indicators and will miss out on 20% of the centre’s payout under National Health Mission.
Bengal among 6 states to lose 20% NHM funds
Mental health infra scarce in India New Delhi : 10 October 2019 :Demand Rises For Online Consultations Even as India accounts for 28% of global suicides, nearly half the people in the country are neither aware of mental health issuesnor have access to a mental health facility within a 20km radius says a independent :7-State Survey study conducted across seven north indian states
Mental health scarce in india
TOI : Sacramento : 10 Oct 2019 : Doctors are now chatting up their patients Inceasingly Using Chats, Texts To Diagnose Everyday Ailments But Some Worry About Quakity of Care Sacramento : Dr Anna Nguyen spoke with none of the five patients she treated on a recent weekday morning. She didn’t even leave her dining room:
Doctors are now chatting up their patients
Beijing : Men should avoid consuming alcohol for six months before trying for a baby to ensure that their child has a healthy heart, according to the first large scale analysis to examine the role of paternal drinking.
Dads-to-be must stop drinking 6 mths before conception
Kolkata : Living next to the sea is good for your mental health, a new study has found. Researchers from Exeter University found that those living around half a mile from the coast are less likely to experience mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.
Living closer to the sea is better for your mental ...
Mumbai : Providing relief to doctors across the country, the national consumer commission recently dismissed a medical negligence complaint against two Vashi-based general practitioners and held that frivolous complaints demoralize doctors and deter them from fearlessly providing services to society.
Panel rejects frivolous plea against 2 docs
Kolkata : New consumer class : Teenagers over 60 By 2025 India to Be youngest and oldest Doctor doing ops using fake degree
India Healthcare and Ageing News
Kolkata : 5,590 patients included in study : 59 Years Average age of patient 17% Women, 83% Men • Indian heart failure patients are much younger than those in US and Europe. • Coronary artery disease was present in three-fourths of patients in contrast rheumatic heart disease was seen in only a few patients. • One-year all-cause mortality rate was 18% higher than reported in Asian Heart Failure or the European Society of Cardiology.
Heart Failure Patients Younger in India than USA, EUROPE
TOI Oct 11, Domestic pharma market grows 11.5% in Jul-Sept : The organised domestic pharma market grew in double digits last month, resulting in one of the biggest quarters in over a year, with 11.5% growth across July-September, buoyed by higher volumes (3.2%) and price growth (5.5%). The Robust monsoon seems to have helped in reviving growth during the quarter ended September, with all key therapies exhibiting double-digit expansion, data from pharma research firm AIOCD Awacs showed.
Domestic pharma mkt grows 11.5% in Jil-Sept
Zorgvisie 19 JAN 2018 Buurtzorg India is starting. Buurtzorg Nederland is working with the Indian institution Edugreen to spread the concept of self-management throughout India. Director Jos de Blok was in India for the signing of the contract for Buurtzorg India. Buurtzorg India is starting Buurtzorg Nederland is working with the Indian institution Edugreen to spread the concept of self-management throughout India. Director Jos de Blok was in India for the signing of the contract for Buurtzorg India. […]