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TOI 11 Oct 2019 : Kolkata : Easier for India Inc to raise funds overseas Mumbai : In an attempt to make it easier for Indian companies to raise money abroad, markets regulator SEBI on Thursday issued a framework for domestic companies to offer depository receipts (DRs) under depositary receipts scheme 2014. Finance minister Nirmaja Sitharaman had recently said Sebi would issue detailed guidelines for domestic companies to take the DR route for fund mobilisation, which was earlier held up […]
Easier for India Inc to raise funds overseas
TOI Oct 11, Kolkata : Global ratings agency Moody’s Investors Service on Thursday slashed India’s 2019-20 GDP growth forecast to 5.8% from 6.8%, citing multiple factors, including a slowdown in investment and consumption.
Moody’s slashes GDP forecast to 5.8% from 6.8%
TOI 4 10 October 2019 : Washington:Global slowdown impact pronounced in India : IMF Downturn To Hit 90% Of World : New Chief Washington : The largest emerging market economies like India are experiencing a pronounced effect of the global downturn, new IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva has said, warning that the global economy is witnessing “sycnchronised slowdown” which will result in slower growth for 90% of the world this year.
Global slowdown impact pronounced in India : IMF Downturn To ...
Kolkata Property Snapshot Being a metropolitan city, Kolkata has seen a dramatic positive change in real estate development. As Kolkata is a corporate hub and many people are shifting here, the demand for residential and commercial spaces are rising every day. With a wide range of new suburbs and numerous residential project in Kolkata, the city is known for its renowned real estate developers that are attracting investors from all over the country. Right from centrally located areas to some […]
India Real Estate Market
Mumbai : Reserve bank of India on Friday slashed its full year growth forecast to 6.1%from 6.9% in august furling fears that the Indian economy is headed for a meltdown this year and could register the slowest rate of growth since the 5.5% recorded in 2012-13. Sharpest cut in growth forecast, the policy interest rate had been slashed to lowest level 4.75% on April 21, 2009.
RBI Cuts Policy Interest Rate
Kolkata : • Stock Check:Sensex Intraday Movement • Currencies : US$, UK Pound, Euro • Indices : BSE, NSE • Commodities : Gold, Silver, Crude, Copper • Money Market : Tbill 91-Day , (1,5,10 Year) Gilt •
Stock Check (India)
New Delhi : The country’s services sector activity contracted in September and fell to its lowest level since February 2018, amid weak demand, competitive pressures and challenging market conditions , a monthly survey showed friday.
Setback for Services
TOI 11 Oct 2019 : Kolkata : RCEP talks trigger import surge worry Mumbai : In ans attempt to make it easier for Indian companies to raise money abroad, markets regulator SEBI on Thursday issued a framework for domestic companies to offer depository receipts (DRs) under depositary receipts scheme 2014. Finance minister Nirmaja Sitharaman had recently said Sebi would issue detailed guidelines for domestic companies to take the DR route for fund mobilisation, which was earlier held up due to […]
RCEP talks trigger import surge worry
TOI Oct 11, Domestic pharma market grows 11.5% in Jul-Sept : The organised domestic pharma market grew in double digits last month, resulting in one of the biggest quarters in over a year, with 11.5% growth across July-September, buoyed by higher volumes (3.2%) and price growth (5.5%). The Robust monsoon seems to have helped in reviving growth during the quarter ended September, with all key therapies exhibiting double-digit expansion, data from pharma research firm AIOCD Awacs showed.
Domestic pharma mkt grows 11.5% in Jil-Sept
TOI 16 Jan 2017 : New Delhi : A Mobile app named “SEZ India” has been launched by the commerce secretary. Department of commerce under its broader e-Governance initiative i.e. SEZ Online System,has developed mobile app for Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Commerce secretary launched the app and mentioned that the App would help the SEZ Units and Developers to find information easily and track their transactions on the SEZ obline system. Read more at: