Child Advocacy Program

Child Advocacy Program is a proactive approach toward keeping area children healthy and safe. Utilizing a team approach, the purpose of the Child Advocacy Program is to raise awareness about social issues which impact children, provide educational classes, and partner with community organizations in an effort to promote the health and well- being of all children in our area.

Child Safety Seats

The parents are smart, well educated, and positive they’ve done everything right. Yet, their children are in danger while riding in the car, even with car seats and safety belts. It happens too often.

Child advocates coordinate the Child Passenger Safety Program, making sure every newborn leaves safely. They explain the importance of car seats to first-time parents and then take dad to the car to demonstrate correct installation. The advocates are Child Passenger Safety Technicians.

The program is open to the public, and with an appointment, anyone can have child car seats inspected. Improper installation, however, is NOT the only problem when it comes to car seats. Many parents do not understand car seat rules. Infants need to be rear-facing until they are 20 pounds and one year of age.

It is recommended that a child shorter than 4 feet, 9 inches ride in a belt positioning booster and that a child aged 12 and younger ride in the back seat, which is safest.

Swim Safety Program

Drowning is a cause of accidents there is a need to educate parents about water safety.

Sun Safety

Just one blistering sunburn as a child can double the risk of melanoma during your lifetime. Avoid cancers by giving childhood education about sun safety a vital step towards reducing risk.

Bicycle Helmet Safety

Bicycles are associated with more childhood injuries than any other consumer product except automobiles.

Learn all rules of the road and obey all traffic laws. Ride on the right side of the road, with traffic, not against traffic. Use appropriate hand signals when stopping and turning so others will know your intentions.

Parenting Classes

Parenting classes to teach new parents how to focus on their strengths and set appropriate expectations for their children. Classes are facilitated by trained staff.