Injury Prevention Community Programs

Community Programs on injury prevention in order to help educate the community, raise awareness and save lives.

Youth Violence Prevention:

Gang Awareness Training Education (GATE)

Grades 12, adults

The G.A.T.E. program teaches lessons on gang recognition, alternatives to gangs, anger management, bullying, leadership, tolerance, victimization, drug use and abuse, firearms safety and much more.

Injury Prevention:

Sports Injury Prevention

Grades 12, adults

Address sports injuries with coaches, athletes and parents. This program is driven by data and aims to work with, Safe Kids Worldwide and coincides with information recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Target is to cover a variety of sports safety topics, including concussions, hydration, over-use injuries, hyperthermia, return to play policies and more.

Trauma Nurses Talk Tough

New drivers ages 15-18

With co-operation of trauma nurses objective is to prevent senseless deaths, this program is all about prevention. No matter how skilled trauma care is, injury still is a leading killer of people younger than age 44. Parents are encouraged to participate, aim is also to change the attitudes of children.

High School Drivers Education:

Fatal Vision program

Grades 6-12

Fatal Vision program demonstrates varying degrees of blood alcohol levels and how a person reacts. Vision is distorted causing behaviors similar to those exhibited by someone under the influence of alcohol and other drugs. Participants are exposed to the effects by limiting their vision while performing various tasks.

Young Driver Program

Ages 15-19, Call for appointment

With partnership of local traffic control and government authorities to host a program for young drivers. This program is designed to educate young drivers on the different legal issues involved with driving, how to stay focused on driving and the responsibilities that go along with the driving privilege. This is a supplement, not a substitute, to driver’s education.

Senior Programs:

Driving Safer, Longer

Ages 65 and older

This program discusses all aspects of highway safety, including drinking and driving, safety belt use, pedestrian safety, as well as decisions about when to curtail or stop driving. We also include a section on physical fitness, including healthy walking guidelines.

Prevention of falls for seniors

Promote a  community-wide initiative for Injury Prevention, by helping seniors, their friends and families to prevent falls and fall-related deaths.