Injury Prevention

Preventing Injury at All Ages

About Injury Prevention

The Injury Prevention team is devoted not only to decreasing the number of potential deaths, but also to educate all residents on safe practices to prevent accidents before they happen. We work across the injury spectrum to raise public awareness about trauma prevention, from talks to schools and community groups to meetings with legislators.

In catering to our mission statement, our injury prevention program serves beyond by:

  • Providing educational sessions, materials, and programming pertinent to highly prevalent injuries sustained by our patients
  • Monitoring the cases of patients seen by the trauma services for development of injury prevention programs

By performing activities and advocating for the reduction and elimination of injuries, we are:

  • Teaching the public that injuries are preventable
  • Creating a healthier and more self-aware population
  • Building a safer environment to live in
  • Instilling proper safety knowledge in the public’s minds

Injuries are the leading cause of death for everyone ages 1 – 44. As a trauma center we know that injuries don’t just happen, we let them happen and sometimes we practically invite them to happen.

The Health’s Injury Prevention Program includes: